Beyond the Page: What’s on your Christmas list?
Fall is here and Winter is coming too quickly!
I don’t know about you, but Halloween came when I wasn’t looking, and Christmas is right around the corner! My Studio wrapped up our Halloween Recital, um, I mean our Music Masquerade in the Park, on October 29, and now we are in the midst of selecting and preparing music to share with our community at the local Mall on December 10!
And actually- this is quite different for my Studio. Usually, we have a formal recital at my church and each student diligently prepares 2 pieces to perform (one Christmas, one non-Christmas- and no one EVER plays the same piece). This year, we are participating in our local MTNA chapter’s holiday Winter Festival. It’s a more relaxed event- our studio has 2 hours to fill, which gave us the opportunity to experiment! I’m giving students whatever piece they have been longing to play, one piece from their Method book, a duet, and a Lead Sheet opportunity.
My hope is to let their creativity loose- what have you been wanting to try? What can you do with this Christmas tune? Try it with different chords? Try it in a different style? (go from 4/4 to 3/4?) Mostly, I just want my students to be curious.
So, what’s on your Christmas list? My secret wish is for you to say, “more sheet music”! But that’s awfully selfish of me! My real wish you and your students is to embrace curiosity in your music making - don’t be afraid to try Lead Sheets; be daring to improvise or change the sheet music. I tell my students, “it’s not written in stone!” Let’s go outside the box a little - Life is too short not to.
Are your planning a Christmas recital? Maybe you’re planning a Winter themed recital instead? Let me share some of the pieces you’ll hear on my recital this year:
*Solos for the Sanctuary (a collection of 9 pieces for Preludes, Offertories, or Postludes)
*Christmas Favorites Vol. 1 The Bells of Christmas Night - for Late Elementary (6 favorites, including Carol of the Bells)
*The First Noel a contemplative piece for Early Intermediate
*Joy to the World (as a Salsa!) -available in several versions: Multi Level Piano Ensemble, Intermediate Solo, Early Intermediate Duet, Late Elementary Solo and Easy Piano. FREE BACKING TRACKS in 3 different tempos.
Don’t forget about pieces perfect for Winter themed recitals like:
*ICE FOG a dramatic piece to explore the beauty of expressive playing.
*Darkest Coldest Night more drama!
*FROST on my Window simply exquisite! Speaking of FROST…… (see below for this Month’s FREE COPY! )
Enjoy a 20% OFF your order of $20!
Use the code TEACHER20 at check out.
Offer ending November 11.
This Month’s FREE MUSIC for You!
FROST on My Window
This piece has been hugely popular with Teachers & Students alike. Wondering what it sounds like? LISTEN
Skill Development: Lyrical Playing and Musical Expression
Perfect For: Late Elementary & Early Intermediate
Written in the key of A minor in “A-B-A” form. The “A” section features a flowing melody in the Right hand and ends with a cross hand A minor arpeggio. Left hand explores open 5ths in their broken form. For a contrasting “B” section, the melody is more mindful, not moving as much. The Left hand supports with blocked, chant-like 5ths. “A” brings comfort with its return, but leaves us to ponder on what could have been.
Grab your FREE Copy HERE. Please remember to confirm your subscription.
I’d love to hear from you!
I am inspired by teachers, students, and pianists like YOU! Many of my compositions come from suggestions & requests. Let me know, I’d love to help.
Piano Sheet Music to Inspire
Susan Staples Bell
Pianist + Teacher + Composer + Creative
Top Gun Anthem Ensemble at the Music Masquerade at the Park.
See it in action here.
Audience participation …
is always a hit! Here’s Matthew performing The Addams Family Theme. You know, it’s not complete without those finger snaps!
NEW at Sheet Music Plus
All I Want for Christmas is a Christmas Classic everyone wants to play! Now available in Intermediate Solo, Early Intermediate Duet, Late Elementary Solo, Easy Piano and MULTI LEVEL PIANO ENSEMBLE.
FREE BACKING TRACKS in 3 different tempos. Grab yours here.
Thank you Elizabeth!!
“Another wonderful composition by Susan Staples Bell. Beautiful harmonies surround this lovely melody. Soothing and dreamy, this piece is a pleasure to both the ear and the hands.”