Susan Staples Bell is equal part composer and instructor.
She loves to create inspiring Sheet Music and Educational Resources for Piano teachers and their students. Her music draws students in with fun and excitement, and then they discover how much they are really learning!
Creativity has always been an essential element in Susan’s life. One of her favorite quotes is, “it’s not written in stone…”, meaning that most things, like music or even recipes, can be open to change. You see this creativity at work, in the way she adapts lesson plans to fit each student - focusing on their interests - finding ways to keep them interested and engaged. Also, in her Educational resources, which came from “outside the box” thinking. Or her piano pieces that not just a beautiful melody but really a story to lead the listener on an adventure.
Susan’s lifelong love of Music has led her to serve communities all over the world for over 30 years in various positions: Church musician (Organist, Accompanist, Praise Band Pianist, and Choir & Hand Bell Director), Middle School Band Director, and Piano Instructor: for the last decade, her Studio has been in the San Antonio, TX area. Each of these positions have given her unique experiences that shape the music she writes.
Susan holds Bachelor of Music degrees in Music Education (Trinity University) and Music Composition (UT Austin). She is a member of Music Teachers National Association, San Antonio Music Teachers Association, National Federation of Music Clubs, Crownridge Music Club, National Association of Composers/USA, CASA (Composers Alliance of San Antonio) and ASCAP.
Susan is happily married to her husband, Steve, and they live outside San Antonio, TX with their 4 crazy cats.
Podcasts & Interviews
the Top Music Podcast
Tim Topham interviews Susan as the Top Music Composer of the Month.
The Music Teacher Master Mind Podcast
Let’s talk about Susan’s Method books that take students (and teachers) step by step through the lead sheet style of improv process.
Piano Teacher Primer Podcast
Easy Tips for Improvising. Host, Angela Toone interviews Susan to learn more!
Teaching Sostenuto & Una Corda Piano Pedals
Introducing sostenuto and una corda pedals to piano students with special guest Susan Staples Bell.
Wisconsin Federation of Music Clubs
Sam Ecoff interviews Susan about her compositions.
Top Music Piano Podcast
Host, Rachel Ehring talks about the role of creativity in composition with Susan.