MUSIC is a like Recipe.
Music is like a Recipe.
What kind of cook are you? Do you follow the recipe step by step or do you like to wing it?
I know. I can hear some of you out there, already taking sides. And I can understand this might be a controversial topic: most Classical musicians are trained from the beginning to play every note- exactly as the composer intended. Where as Jazz musicians are taught to explore from the beginning.
Where do you fall?

Beyond the Page: Easy tips for Christmas Piano Parties!
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
It’s all about Christmas right now in my Studio. Students are asking for their favorite tunes and they love playing them together with friends and family. This year we were so busy with our Halloween recital, we decided to pass on the Christmas recital and instead, go with group lessons for our last week of December - Piano parties!
The Plan: Every student will prepare 1 Christmas arrangement to perform for the group, next they will prepare 1 Christmas tune from a lead sheet, and then we will sight read some Christmas ensembles. And of course, you gotta have cookies!
Tip: Create your own Lead Sheets….

Beyond the Page: an Introduction
What does it mean to go “Beyond the Page”?
For me, it started with exploring Lead Sheets. So many musicians think the notes and instructions on a page of music are the Gospel truth; not to be altered. I’d like to challenge that idea. As a composer, I like to think that my pieces are like recipes- a starting point for players to express how this music speaks to them- what story they want to tell. I encourage my students to feel freedom to explore, create and express. Maybe you agree; maybe not.
Let’s talk about it.