Castle Tales, Vol. 2 A Collection of 7 Pieces for Late Elementary/Early Intermediate, Studio

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The first Castle Tales Collection was so popular that students asked for more! And the Black Knight’s Ride Solo, just screamed to be in a collection too, so I built the Castle Tales, Vol. 2 around it. Here is Castle Tales Vol. 2, a Collection of 6 original compositions & 1 well loved arrangement, for Late Elementary to Early Intermediate levels. These pieces explore a wide range of musical styles - created to encourage pianists to explore and achieve musical expression. These descriptive pieces are educational as well as inspiring to play. The pieces are highly pattern based, making them easy to learn but sound so impressive, which will appeal to tweens, teenagers and adult beginning pianists. The Collection is designed as a whole- offering contrasting pieces to work on different musical skills, inspired by stories of Medieval life as seen in video games; but each piece stands equally on its own.

Titles:  The Battle Begins, Secrets in the Hall, Black Knight’s Ride, Scarborough Fair, Race for the Flag, Story of True Love, and Dawn of the New Age

Level: Late Elementary -Early Intermediate , RCM 2 - 3 equivalent

How long: 24 pages: 14 pages music + Covers to all pieces included at the end for easy printing.

This is a STUDIO LICENSE: One purchase - One person is allowed multiple copies for students in their Studio. Thank you for honoring the creativity and work of the composer.

Information about the pieces:

The Battle Begins: We bring our journey with a directive - Whose side are you on? Which way will you turn?

The strong melody line in m. 5 sets the tone for a call to action. Make sure to play with a heavy tone - shape the phrases to make the melody come alive. The contrasting B section begins in m. 14 with the Left Hand crossing over for a more lyrical sound. The return of the A section in m. 22 brings us full circle - where will the journey take us from here?

Key: C minor, with all the accidentals written in for easy teaching.

Time signature: 4/4 in a slow, Stately March.

Skill development: Epic melody, Expressive playing, LH movement between Cm, Bb, Ab chords, and LH cross over melody

What level: Late Elementary

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:40. 

Secrets in the Hall: Do you hear the whisperings in the Hall? What secrets do they tell?

This piece should feel slow and mysterious - take time to pause at the fermatas as if you are pondering what secrets you just heard… Make sure to play the Right hand melody with a clear singing tone. Notice the Left hand note patterns which create uncertainty. The B section in the relative Major sheds some light on the subject… Notice in m. 37, when the second part of the A section returns, we have the Left hand pattern from the B section…

Key: D minor, with all the accidentals written in for easy teaching.

Time signature: 4/4

Skill development: Right hand lyrical melody, Left hand accompaniment pattern, playing like the piece is really in “cut time” (feeling beats 1 & 3)

What level: Late Elementary

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:30. 

Black Knight’s Ride:

Black’s Knight Ride is dramatic, yet simple: you’ll find lots of patterns, which can easily be taught by rote. Written in the key of D minor and suggested BPM is 144, if you dare! Fast & Flashy! Already a student favorite!!

Key: D minor, with the written Key Signature

Time signature: 4/4, then to 3/4 for the splashy ending!

Skill development: Cross hand Arpeggios, Finger patterns, Octave higher, Octave lower, Dynamics make it dramatic!

What level: Late Elementary / Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:20. 

Scarborough Fair: Here’s a fresh new arrangement of this well beloved tune.

This piece should feel like a dance - move the melody along. Make sure in m. 32 when Left hand has the melody that the chords in Right hand don’t overpower, but support.

Key: D Dorian, with the accidentals.

Time signature: 4/4

Skill development: Right hand lyrical melody, Left hand melody and Right hand chords, a Waltz that should feel like it’s in “One”.

What level: Late Elementary

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:00. 

Race for the Flag: This one is fun! Students will love the sound and excitement that it creates!

Great piece to teach 6/8 rhythm since all the melody notes lay nicely under the fingers. Notice m. 27 - 29: did you stop to catch your breath? Is there anyone chasing you? Well, get back in the race!! The A section returns which is so fun to play. Make sure to hold the last fermata long enough - look around, did you win the race? Oh, now you can play the last note!!

Key: E minor with a few accidentals

Time signature: 6/8 and quickly!!

Skill development: Typical 6/8 rhythms that lie nicely under the fingers, short dramatic chromatic pattern, Cross hand arpeggios

What level: Late Elementary/ Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:00. 

Story of True Love: Sweet & Tender is the song of the heart….

This sweet waltz has a gentle lilting melody that will ring in your ear and stay in your heart. Great for teaching the dotted quarter & following eighth note rhythm and pointing out intervals that occur in the melody. Notice the Left hand descending line, almost like the D Major scale!

Key: D Major with all the accidentals written in for easy learning.

Time signature: 3/4 Waltz with simplified, scale -like Left hand pattern

Skill development: Lyrical melody, Interval recognition, dotted quarter rhythms

What level: Late Elementary/ Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:20. 

Dawn of the New Age: is this the end or really the beginning of a new era?

Encourage students to express the grandeur of this piece! The contrasting, expressive Left hand melody in the B section is reminiscent of the Coronation of the new King, the New Age. Tip: you can get notes to sound more majestic when you play them staccato while using the pedal. And make sure to play the Right hand accompaniment more softly when the Left hand has the melody, like in m. 11 -26.

Key: C Major with accidentals

Time signature: 4/4 and very Majestic!

Skill development: Strong Right hand melody moving between positions, Melodic Left hand melody, smooth pedaling

What level: Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 02:00. 

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The first Castle Tales Collection was so popular that students asked for more! And the Black Knight’s Ride Solo, just screamed to be in a collection too, so I built the Castle Tales, Vol. 2 around it. Here is Castle Tales Vol. 2, a Collection of 6 original compositions & 1 well loved arrangement, for Late Elementary to Early Intermediate levels. These pieces explore a wide range of musical styles - created to encourage pianists to explore and achieve musical expression. These descriptive pieces are educational as well as inspiring to play. The pieces are highly pattern based, making them easy to learn but sound so impressive, which will appeal to tweens, teenagers and adult beginning pianists. The Collection is designed as a whole- offering contrasting pieces to work on different musical skills, inspired by stories of Medieval life as seen in video games; but each piece stands equally on its own.

Titles:  The Battle Begins, Secrets in the Hall, Black Knight’s Ride, Scarborough Fair, Race for the Flag, Story of True Love, and Dawn of the New Age

Level: Late Elementary -Early Intermediate , RCM 2 - 3 equivalent

How long: 24 pages: 14 pages music + Covers to all pieces included at the end for easy printing.

This is a STUDIO LICENSE: One purchase - One person is allowed multiple copies for students in their Studio. Thank you for honoring the creativity and work of the composer.

Information about the pieces:

The Battle Begins: We bring our journey with a directive - Whose side are you on? Which way will you turn?

The strong melody line in m. 5 sets the tone for a call to action. Make sure to play with a heavy tone - shape the phrases to make the melody come alive. The contrasting B section begins in m. 14 with the Left Hand crossing over for a more lyrical sound. The return of the A section in m. 22 brings us full circle - where will the journey take us from here?

Key: C minor, with all the accidentals written in for easy teaching.

Time signature: 4/4 in a slow, Stately March.

Skill development: Epic melody, Expressive playing, LH movement between Cm, Bb, Ab chords, and LH cross over melody

What level: Late Elementary

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:40. 

Secrets in the Hall: Do you hear the whisperings in the Hall? What secrets do they tell?

This piece should feel slow and mysterious - take time to pause at the fermatas as if you are pondering what secrets you just heard… Make sure to play the Right hand melody with a clear singing tone. Notice the Left hand note patterns which create uncertainty. The B section in the relative Major sheds some light on the subject… Notice in m. 37, when the second part of the A section returns, we have the Left hand pattern from the B section…

Key: D minor, with all the accidentals written in for easy teaching.

Time signature: 4/4

Skill development: Right hand lyrical melody, Left hand accompaniment pattern, playing like the piece is really in “cut time” (feeling beats 1 & 3)

What level: Late Elementary

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:30. 

Black Knight’s Ride:

Black’s Knight Ride is dramatic, yet simple: you’ll find lots of patterns, which can easily be taught by rote. Written in the key of D minor and suggested BPM is 144, if you dare! Fast & Flashy! Already a student favorite!!

Key: D minor, with the written Key Signature

Time signature: 4/4, then to 3/4 for the splashy ending!

Skill development: Cross hand Arpeggios, Finger patterns, Octave higher, Octave lower, Dynamics make it dramatic!

What level: Late Elementary / Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:20. 

Scarborough Fair: Here’s a fresh new arrangement of this well beloved tune.

This piece should feel like a dance - move the melody along. Make sure in m. 32 when Left hand has the melody that the chords in Right hand don’t overpower, but support.

Key: D Dorian, with the accidentals.

Time signature: 4/4

Skill development: Right hand lyrical melody, Left hand melody and Right hand chords, a Waltz that should feel like it’s in “One”.

What level: Late Elementary

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:00. 

Race for the Flag: This one is fun! Students will love the sound and excitement that it creates!

Great piece to teach 6/8 rhythm since all the melody notes lay nicely under the fingers. Notice m. 27 - 29: did you stop to catch your breath? Is there anyone chasing you? Well, get back in the race!! The A section returns which is so fun to play. Make sure to hold the last fermata long enough - look around, did you win the race? Oh, now you can play the last note!!

Key: E minor with a few accidentals

Time signature: 6/8 and quickly!!

Skill development: Typical 6/8 rhythms that lie nicely under the fingers, short dramatic chromatic pattern, Cross hand arpeggios

What level: Late Elementary/ Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:00. 

Story of True Love: Sweet & Tender is the song of the heart….

This sweet waltz has a gentle lilting melody that will ring in your ear and stay in your heart. Great for teaching the dotted quarter & following eighth note rhythm and pointing out intervals that occur in the melody. Notice the Left hand descending line, almost like the D Major scale!

Key: D Major with all the accidentals written in for easy learning.

Time signature: 3/4 Waltz with simplified, scale -like Left hand pattern

Skill development: Lyrical melody, Interval recognition, dotted quarter rhythms

What level: Late Elementary/ Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:20. 

Dawn of the New Age: is this the end or really the beginning of a new era?

Encourage students to express the grandeur of this piece! The contrasting, expressive Left hand melody in the B section is reminiscent of the Coronation of the new King, the New Age. Tip: you can get notes to sound more majestic when you play them staccato while using the pedal. And make sure to play the Right hand accompaniment more softly when the Left hand has the melody, like in m. 11 -26.

Key: C Major with accidentals

Time signature: 4/4 and very Majestic!

Skill development: Strong Right hand melody moving between positions, Melodic Left hand melody, smooth pedaling

What level: Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 02:00. 

Scroll down past the detailed description for Purchase button.

The first Castle Tales Collection was so popular that students asked for more! And the Black Knight’s Ride Solo, just screamed to be in a collection too, so I built the Castle Tales, Vol. 2 around it. Here is Castle Tales Vol. 2, a Collection of 6 original compositions & 1 well loved arrangement, for Late Elementary to Early Intermediate levels. These pieces explore a wide range of musical styles - created to encourage pianists to explore and achieve musical expression. These descriptive pieces are educational as well as inspiring to play. The pieces are highly pattern based, making them easy to learn but sound so impressive, which will appeal to tweens, teenagers and adult beginning pianists. The Collection is designed as a whole- offering contrasting pieces to work on different musical skills, inspired by stories of Medieval life as seen in video games; but each piece stands equally on its own.

Titles:  The Battle Begins, Secrets in the Hall, Black Knight’s Ride, Scarborough Fair, Race for the Flag, Story of True Love, and Dawn of the New Age

Level: Late Elementary -Early Intermediate , RCM 2 - 3 equivalent

How long: 24 pages: 14 pages music + Covers to all pieces included at the end for easy printing.

This is a STUDIO LICENSE: One purchase - One person is allowed multiple copies for students in their Studio. Thank you for honoring the creativity and work of the composer.

Information about the pieces:

The Battle Begins: We bring our journey with a directive - Whose side are you on? Which way will you turn?

The strong melody line in m. 5 sets the tone for a call to action. Make sure to play with a heavy tone - shape the phrases to make the melody come alive. The contrasting B section begins in m. 14 with the Left Hand crossing over for a more lyrical sound. The return of the A section in m. 22 brings us full circle - where will the journey take us from here?

Key: C minor, with all the accidentals written in for easy teaching.

Time signature: 4/4 in a slow, Stately March.

Skill development: Epic melody, Expressive playing, LH movement between Cm, Bb, Ab chords, and LH cross over melody

What level: Late Elementary

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:40. 

Secrets in the Hall: Do you hear the whisperings in the Hall? What secrets do they tell?

This piece should feel slow and mysterious - take time to pause at the fermatas as if you are pondering what secrets you just heard… Make sure to play the Right hand melody with a clear singing tone. Notice the Left hand note patterns which create uncertainty. The B section in the relative Major sheds some light on the subject… Notice in m. 37, when the second part of the A section returns, we have the Left hand pattern from the B section…

Key: D minor, with all the accidentals written in for easy teaching.

Time signature: 4/4

Skill development: Right hand lyrical melody, Left hand accompaniment pattern, playing like the piece is really in “cut time” (feeling beats 1 & 3)

What level: Late Elementary

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:30. 

Black Knight’s Ride:

Black’s Knight Ride is dramatic, yet simple: you’ll find lots of patterns, which can easily be taught by rote. Written in the key of D minor and suggested BPM is 144, if you dare! Fast & Flashy! Already a student favorite!!

Key: D minor, with the written Key Signature

Time signature: 4/4, then to 3/4 for the splashy ending!

Skill development: Cross hand Arpeggios, Finger patterns, Octave higher, Octave lower, Dynamics make it dramatic!

What level: Late Elementary / Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:20. 

Scarborough Fair: Here’s a fresh new arrangement of this well beloved tune.

This piece should feel like a dance - move the melody along. Make sure in m. 32 when Left hand has the melody that the chords in Right hand don’t overpower, but support.

Key: D Dorian, with the accidentals.

Time signature: 4/4

Skill development: Right hand lyrical melody, Left hand melody and Right hand chords, a Waltz that should feel like it’s in “One”.

What level: Late Elementary

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:00. 

Race for the Flag: This one is fun! Students will love the sound and excitement that it creates!

Great piece to teach 6/8 rhythm since all the melody notes lay nicely under the fingers. Notice m. 27 - 29: did you stop to catch your breath? Is there anyone chasing you? Well, get back in the race!! The A section returns which is so fun to play. Make sure to hold the last fermata long enough - look around, did you win the race? Oh, now you can play the last note!!

Key: E minor with a few accidentals

Time signature: 6/8 and quickly!!

Skill development: Typical 6/8 rhythms that lie nicely under the fingers, short dramatic chromatic pattern, Cross hand arpeggios

What level: Late Elementary/ Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:00. 

Story of True Love: Sweet & Tender is the song of the heart….

This sweet waltz has a gentle lilting melody that will ring in your ear and stay in your heart. Great for teaching the dotted quarter & following eighth note rhythm and pointing out intervals that occur in the melody. Notice the Left hand descending line, almost like the D Major scale!

Key: D Major with all the accidentals written in for easy learning.

Time signature: 3/4 Waltz with simplified, scale -like Left hand pattern

Skill development: Lyrical melody, Interval recognition, dotted quarter rhythms

What level: Late Elementary/ Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 01:20. 

Dawn of the New Age: is this the end or really the beginning of a new era?

Encourage students to express the grandeur of this piece! The contrasting, expressive Left hand melody in the B section is reminiscent of the Coronation of the new King, the New Age. Tip: you can get notes to sound more majestic when you play them staccato while using the pedal. And make sure to play the Right hand accompaniment more softly when the Left hand has the melody, like in m. 11 -26.

Key: C Major with accidentals

Time signature: 4/4 and very Majestic!

Skill development: Strong Right hand melody moving between positions, Melodic Left hand melody, smooth pedaling

What level: Early Intermediate

How long: Cover + 2 pages, Performance time 02:00. 

Wondering what it sounds like? Take a listen.

Lost at Sea, Early Intermediate Solo
Nomads, Piano Solo, Late Elementary. Studio License
Clouds in the Sky, Piano Solo, Late Elementary. Studio License.
Wormhole Wonders. Piano Solo for Elementary from Galactic Adventures.
Funky Gecko, Intermediate/Early Advanced STUDIO LICENSE